DVT / 3-D diagnostics
We treat you according to the principle: Overview gives security! An accurate diagnosis is always the first step. This is because it decides on the subsequent therapy steps. If an accurate diagnosis is just as important to you as a reduction of radiation during X-rays – then we can combine both advantages for you in our practice!
Your health and the optimal treatment for your needs are our top priority. This is exactly why we use a digital volume tomograph (DVT) in our practice in Tittling. With the modern X-ray machine we can see the connections between teeth, gums and jaw even better. DVT is indispensable for biological dentistry and implantology!
These are the advantages of DVT in Tittling:
- Accurate diagnoses and optimal therapy planning
- Recognition of interference fields and inflammation foci
- Detection of jaw cysts
- Diagnosis of displaced wisdom teeth
- safe planning of dental implants
- Timely detection of temporomandibular joint disorders
In contrast to the conventional X-ray machine, we can also produce three-dimensional images with the DVT. Spatial imaging gives us an even closer look at the structures of the jaw and teeth.
With DVT, we find interference fields in your mouth and jaw region that often remain undetected with conventional X-ray procedures. To do this, we use two different approaches.
2D images as a starting point for your examination
We use a so-called panoramic radiograph to create a detailed image of your teeth and jaws. The images show us, for example, a hidden caries, inflammation in the jaw and displaced wisdom teeth.
When taking X-rays, we naturally always ensure that the radiation exposure is as low as possible.
3D images for more detail and better overview
But sometimes we need to see more. We therefore use the high-resolution 3D images of the DVT when diseases in the jaw region are suspected.
In a matter of seconds, the digital volume tomograph takes high-resolution cross-sectional images of your jawbone and assembles them into a 3D model with the help of software. A few minutes later, we can look at the recordings together and discuss how to proceed!
Overview gives security! Also for the planning of implants!
By the way, we also use the DVT for planning dental implants. Already on the computer, we can thus determine the best locations for the artificial tooth roots in the jaw. The treatment is therefore particularly gentle for you, because often a costly bone augmentation can be avoided by an optimal placement of the implant!