Immediately after surgery, it is most effective to cool the next three to four hours. The next day, you can continue cooling during your infusion.
It is certainly most comfortable to sleep on your back, so you don't have any side pressure on your face. Please take a second pillow with you so that your head is higher than your heart and so that optimal lymph drainage is possible.
Do not walk or exercise for the first three days. You need to relax, you may listen to music, read books or even meditate. You should not read or watch the news and also refrain from yoga.
Please also speak as little as possible so that the wound is not irritated. Otherwise, the suture may open or more severe swelling may occur.
In this case, please always bring an accompanying person. The anesthesia may affect your ability to drive for hours after the procedure. Therefore, we always recommend staying in a hotel for a few days. You should rest completely one day before until at least 4 days after the procedure and avoid any stress and exertion.
This must be decided on an individual basis and depends on both your own condition and the size of your procedure. In the event that you are physically unable to travel alone and the procedure is very long, we would definitely recommend bringing a companion. This can then support and supervise you.
Good healing of implants also depends on their optimal cooperation. The implants must not be loaded under any circumstances during the healing phase (6-8 weeks).
If you receive a temporary restoration directly, this is only for esthetic purposes, not for function, and must therefore not be loaded.
If it is nevertheless loaded, the implant may not heal in the bone.
Usually when the anesthesia has worn off.
After surgery, we will provide you with an overview of what you should pay attention to after surgery.
Of course, our team will additionally clarify any questions you may have.
The Betaisodona mouth rinse should be used 3 times a day (diluted according to instructions).
After surgery, swelling of the cheek, restriction of mouth opening, and difficulty swallowing may occur. These usually subside after 3 to 4 days. After one week, wound healing is largely complete. Temperature increases up to 38.5°C are possible and normal after the procedure.
For more severe pain, please contact us immediately for an appointment:
08504 923650